Mr. Saman Rasul Hussein Administrative Manager

We started our jobs by the name of Allah. One of the prime reasons for creating a good citizen is education and development. Education is a crucial process for individual’s life and community entirely. The whole steps of creating individual, community, and country begins with education.

We decided to construct an educational community with the slogan of (Education, Education and Teaching, Development), we set program, planned and pledged God and parents to educate their generations       ( our beloved students) with the newest and highly advanced ways of teaching and learning, in a way that are equivalent to our religion, ritual, Kurdish culture, and allow us to keep up with the world’s constant development. Human community’s objective is building and educating a mindful, and innovative generation due to the fact, there is development in every fields of life and education is not an exception. Currently, we are able to access to the latest daily news and information effortlessly. This has advantage and disadvantage bedsides it has direct impact on the life of individual and community. Our duties as a teacher and educator have been more arduous because we are responsible for educating a new, modern generation to be open minded enough to stay away from race, religious, and national discrimination. First and foremost, I’d like to raise this question how can we educate properly and plant the feeling of love for homeland in students’ and individuals’ internally and this feeling grows with their ages in a way that they will not be able to give in on it.

Instead of quitting this feeling how can we make it stronger and stronger and reflects in their inner’s behaviours, speeches, and actions. Meanwhile, how can we guide a student to put this feeling in her or his top priority list and transmit it from generation to generation enthusiastically. As humanity legacy, life needs, and a beginning for authentic education. Due to this fact that education and teaching are always powerful weapon reconstruction, civilization and national construction and advancing nations. This sacred task will be provided to someone who is called ‘ Teacher’, teachers almost in every sectors of life have big responsibility which is transferring information from generation to generation besides educating them to serve their community and their homeland.  Therefore, teacher is prestigious and has high status to the community and people and it is considered as one of the most essential part of education and learning process. Due to the fact that students will grow up with this teacher and they will be educated by this teacher besides they will serve the community by working in the Kurdistan establishments. Teachers’ job is much more significant compares to the other jobs because teachers are responsible for educating and prioritizing Science and knowledge for the future of our people.

They are performing their duties enthusiastically currently and continue in doing that. George Danton, great French revolutioner says (After bread, education is the first need of the people).

Education and Teaching are the most sacred and prestigious process on the earth, and they would be inspiring to the entire processes in the country to be successful.