Seasonal epidemic

It usually occurs during the chilly seasons such as winter and autumn. Those infectious diseases are transmitted from the infected person to the other person through mouth, nose, and eyes.
Humans will be infected by seasonal epidemic through a certain virus which is called ” Rhino Virus”.
A person can get infected by it twice or thrice per a year.
The disease’s duration can normally take 7 to 10 days. The virus can spread through the air from an infected person to another person especially when the afflicted person is speaking, coughing, and sneezing. It is worth mentioning this that it can also be transmitted through touching for instance, when you are shaking hands with the afflicted person.

When you are supposed to see a specialist doctor?

When you see the following symptoms in your child, you are required to see a specialist doctor:
In case of rising body temperature to 38 celsius particularly in the infants.
Headache, coughing so much, earache, lowering down the level of consciousness

Some highly effective tips to protect ourselves from seasonal epidemic

  1. Washing hands properly
  2. Applying tissue particularly while you’re coughing or sneezing, besides throwing it in a special place afterwards you’re required to wash your hands
  3. You must be cautious of using the equipments of the infected person
  4. Keeping distance between yourself and the afflicted person
  5. Keeping the house equipments clean especially the infected person’s towel and bed sheet
  6. Taking care of your own health by doing exercises, having healthy and clean daily intake, and having rest at home when you’re infected with it.

Asia Awni Anwar
Nova Private Educational Community Nurse